Tuesday 3 November 2015

Winter cruise....official

4 hours today  out of Chester. 8 double locks and a trip to Waitrose and we moored at 1530 within yards of where we were two weekends ago.  Although we have another push tomorrow in our efforts to avoid bonfire night, today was really the last hard work day of 2015. I know we've got the Audlem flight later in the month but...hey....single locks...bring it on!

Sunday saw the start of winter moorings and the much looked forward to 14 day Visitor Moorings. It's a shame that as we went past the first WM the signs we saw that they were completely wrong. They showed the WM wiping out the entire VM. In fact they do not have one inch of VM at that spot. I look forward to seeing how Nantwich has fared. Not this week though.

I don't expect that we will stay for 14 days anywhere but it is nice to have the option of extending a stay beyond 48 hours. I think, amongst CCers it could be the most popular decision CRT have made unless I've forgotten something??

Is there a closer Waitrose mooring?

Alistair made a rare appearance as hero of the day #official when he managed to fish my specs out of the cut. They went in as I was casting off to leave this mooring. Overexcited at the thought of a Waitrose curry....delicious

No photo but an odd comment from a gongoozler who had been watching me work a lock. Chatting away for the full cycle. Including turning it! Just as they were about to leave she came back and said..this may sound odd, but was one of you in the Army? Now where did that come from? She had no idea ...that I had been in the Army or where the question came from. Spooky in a nice way.

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