Wednesday, 1 April 2015

I love the smell of new mown grass 🎶🎤🎶🎤🎶🎤🎶

Not quite the words of the song...but they fit the tune!! My first fix as I went down past the recreation ground  today.

 My short outing was to stock up,at the excellent butchers. Averting my eyes as I went,past the tea room. The cake we had from there last year was scrummy.

 The view from the sidehatch looking back to the village. Additional mooring on the rec, to the left of the picture.

 And across from this mooring.

They promised us wind and my goodness it delivered. Gusts of over 80mph all Monday night and it really is only now that it is calming down. We've had the common almost to ourselves for dog walking.  Hatches have been well and truly battened down. Thankfully no damage done. Having decided to wait until tomorrow before moving it was good to get a green light on that from the EA who were checking things out today, ready for Easter. 

We hope to move tomorrow, to what we call the secret mooring where, if all goes well, we will spend Easter. 

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